Wacky New Survey Claims Idaho Has the Most Courteous Drivers?
I will admit that I could barely stop laughing long enough to actually write this. But, this is too good to not pass along. There's a brand new survey that has come out with the wacky claim that Idaho has the most courteous drivers.
I'm being serious when I say that I believe that people who took this survey misunderstood the questions.
Make sure you're sitting down before you read this, but Kars 4 Kids is claiming that Idaho has the nicest drivers in the whole wide world. The fact that they didn't spell 'cars' right might tell you something. According to their website, they sent out surveys in March and April of this year with numerous questions about driving.
With all the numbers crunched, Idaho came out as #1 for having the most courteous drivers. (If Blue Lakes were a person, he/she would be laughing hysterically right now)
It gets even better. Idaho got an A for how we don't respond aggressively to slow drivers and how we let other cars merge into traffic. Yeah, right!
Things start to fall down for Idaho with some other questions. We only got a B in how we respond to tailgaters.
I'm being serious when I say that I believe that people who took this survey misunderstood the questions. They asked "Would you steal someone's parking spot?". Idaho got an A+. There was also a question about if we would speed up to stop someone from passing us. Again, Idaho got an A+. Wanna bet that we were answering an emphatic 'yes' to both questions, but not for the reason the Kars 4 Kids people think?
I've encountered my share of nasty drivers in every part of this country, so not trying to throw Idaho under the bus (pun intended). But, to say that we have the most courteous drivers is beyond funny to me. Try going down Pole Line and less than the speed limit and let me know how that works out for you.