Why a Burger King Sign in Twin Falls Grabbed Attention in the Wrong Way
Warning: The story below does include a picture with explicit language. If you are offended by offensive language, please do not continue reading or scroll further.
Late nights on weekends, when teenagers sneak out or find themselves bored, they like to get into mischief. Sometimes adults like to pull pranks as well when they see an opportunity. It can be fun to do harmless pranks and mischievous acts, so long as nobody gets hurt and nothing is damaged. Sometimes employees have had enough and decide they don't care about their jobs anymore and say forget it, by doing something to get fired. The reasons above are mentioned, because it is not entirely sure which took place, but recently someone decided to rearrange the Burger King's on Washington and Cheney sign in Twin Falls. Some kids thought it would be funny, an adult saw an opportunity to change the sign for a laugh, or some employee may not have cared anymore and arranged the sign a certain way, whichever it was, bravo.
Messing with Signs in Twin Falls
Warning: The picture below does include explicit language. If you are offended by offensive language, please do not continue scrolling.
Messing with signs is nothing new, but when it happens, it always gives viewers a chuckle. Sometimes they can go too far, and other times, they are the right kind of funny. While this one has offensive language, it doesn't include the 'F' word, and it doesn't threaten anyone or go too far. This picture was taken in the middle of the night, so when the letters were rearranged and how long they were up until is still being questioned. The sign was set to say, 'Now Hiring All Shifts,' but somewhere the wording was rearranged, or somebody is a bad speller. Nobody is encouraged to do these things, but when you are lucky enough to see them, odds are it will bring a smile to everyone's face.
The Best Signs in Twin Falls
While Burger King usually has more serious signs and does not condone this verbiage in any form, there are some signs in the area that are typically creative and less offensive. Multiple places in the area have fun with their signs out front and are worth driving by daily to see what has been put on them for the day. A few that come to mind are Franklin Building Supplies, First Southern Baptist Church on Washington, and the Oregon Trail Inn out in Buhl. There are many more in the area, but these are a few that come to mind instantly that make people smile. Franklin might be the most popular in the area and is worth going out of your way to see what they put out each day.

Do not take this as a sign to go out and start rearranging signs, but do take it as one to drive around and see some of the more creative ones in the area. It takes thought to put up these creative messages, and to those that think them out, bravo and we thank you. It may be a simple thing, but those little chuckles that follow go a long way. Hopefully, Burger King can find someone to hire that reaches their criteria, and for those that are looking for a job, Burger King on Washington and Cheney is now hiring. Enjoy the signs in Twin Falls.
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