JEROME, Idaho (KLIX) – Young hunters have a couple of things to be excited about: youth waterfowl and pheasant hunts will soon open in parts of the state.

The two-day youth waterfowl season is set for Sept. 30-Oct. 1. The pheasant hunt runs Oct. 7-13, including at Magic Valley’s Niagara Springs.

Duck Shooting Season In New Zealand
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The pheasant hunt opens a half hour before sunrise, according to the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, except in wildlife management areas where pheasants are stocked. Hunting at WMA locations including Niagara Springs, begins at 10 a.m.

Participants must wear hunter orange above the waist during hunting season while on WMAs. Fish and Game says a hunter orange hat meets this requirement.

For the youth waterfowl season, duck, goose, snipe and coot seasons are open statewide for hunters 17 years of age and younger only the two days listed above.

For bag limits and additional information, visit the Migratory Game Birds Seasons and Rules, or the Upland Game, Furbearer and Turkey Seasons and Rules.

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