A Fierce Wind is a Warning for Idaho

You know the feeling. You've put your heart in soul into a project and then it crashes and burns. I was watching a young man sweep eaves one afternoon this week. Suddenly; out of nowhere, the wind came roaring out of the west. His work was scattered before him. He left to work most likely on a project that wouldn't be disturbed by Mother Nature.
Then the wind died down for about 45 minutes. That’s when I looked outside and saw a young couple moving a bedboard. An even fiercer wind popped up and the guy doing the lifting was practically spun around. His wife’s hair looked like strands of spaghetti in the wind. She struggled to walk. I could hear windows shaking and seriously thought we would have a tornado. I lived through one 25 years ago and nearly thought the roof over my head would blow away. Within minutes, that second gust of wind came to an end. Then I remembered my car windows were still open. Strangely, nothing inside blew away!
I believe there are some life lessons involved here. If we stay alive long enough, we weather a lot of metaphorical storms. Here's the thing about the culture of the Mountain West. It was literally shaped by the wind. You can hang clothes on a line and in five minutes, your drawers are dry. Dealing with projects blowing away and other assaults from nature makes people realize how fleeting our efforts can be. And it breeds toughness and survival skills
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