There are certain things it's good to bring inside when the wind gets to a certain point, or you may need to say goodbye to them, not knowing where they will end up.
While winter can be hit and miss in the Gem State, there is one part of the season that makes Idaho unbearable during the winter and is the true enemy.
The National Weather Service in Pocatello has issued a Red Flag Warning for gusty winds and low relative humidity, which is in effect from 3 PM this afternoon to 9 PM this evening.
With the superhero genre being so big these days, it is fair to ask if Idaho had superheroes, what would they be called and what would their powers be?
What to do with hair on a windy day is a challenge. Always doing the same hairstyle can get old. Especially here in Idaho when there are plenty of windy days to experiment with. Let’s take a look at what we long locks lovers can do.