A Proposed Cure for Deadly Wildfires
As the western states suffer through one of the worst fire seasons in memory, there are increasing calls for a new approach to forest management. Some suggest returning to some old approaches, such as greater logging, grazing and mining. Darr Moon is a geologist from the Challis area. He founded a web presence a couple of years ago called Idaho on Fire. He's also the husband of State Representative Dorothy Moon (she also had a background as a geologist). Idaho on Fire has a slogan often seen on signs and bumper stickers.
The President's son flew into Idaho’s thick smoke and then choppered through even more haze to make it to dinner.
"Log it, graze it or watch it burn," is the popular phrase. Mr. Moon joined Magic Valley This Morning on Newsradio 1310, KLIX for a long discussion on wildfires. You can listen by clicking on the video below.
Even if we were to immediately return to a forest management based approach, which is to clear the dead underbrush that acts as fuel, it could be several years before the intensity of the fires subsided. Because the cure won't happen overnight. The vastness of western forests ensures a long, long effort at what the managers call "remediation".
Moon shares a great many people from California, Oregon and Washington State have been contacting him. Some are starting to come around to his point of view. He also attended an event the night before our conversation with Donald Trump, Jr. The President's son flew into Idaho’s thick smoke and then choppered through even more haze to make it to dinner. Moon believes the more easterners see, the better the chances of a more reasonable fire policy being adopted.