Act Of Kindness: Twin Falls KFC Brings Free Lunch To WinCo Staff
During this time in history when moral is low, people are stressed and out of work, and we are avoiding one another "like the plague," it was refreshing to hear the story yesterday of a Twin Falls restaurant presenting some fellow community staffers with a finger-licking good, random act of kindness.
While at work Thursday afternoon (April 23), I received a Facebook message from a Twin Falls WinCo staffer at about 3:45 p.m. I opened it while between songs during my usual 3-7 p.m. air shift, and my mood instantly, and vastly, improved.
I don't usually get Facebook messages like this one. The majority of communications are from listeners either requesting a song, or commenting on a story they read, or just throwing up a humorous meme from home or work. This message's theme was inspiring at a time when the COVID-19 virus is not just claiming thousands of lives a day, but financially devastating businesses and families.
The message was sent from a guy named Jason. He is a staffer at the WinCo in Twin Falls, and asked me to give a shoutout to the staff of the Twin Falls Kentucky Fried Chicken. He informed me that they dropped off individual meals to them as a way to thank them for their service, which I thought was incredible.
Thanks to Jason for sharing this story with me, and thanks to the Twin Falls KFC for this random act of kindness. Well played!
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