Admit it: Twin Falls, ID has a Serious Housing Crisis
I suspect the collapsed barn would at least be within the reach of most working men and women. I’ve been reading many of the sad tales on Twin Falls Rants and Raves. A lot of people are being priced out of rentals. In some cases, these are places where they lived for years. One writer mentioned there were three generations living in one home and now they need to hunt for an alternative. They were hopeful they could find something affordable in Rogerson or Hollister. Just keep in mind, there aren’t a lot of rental units or even houses in that part of the county.
She walked beneath the leaves, munched something on the ground and the curled up for a nap.
All jest aside, the collapsed barn is a short distance away from a home I saw listed two weeks ago. For 1.2 million dollars! Monday, I noticed the real estate sign had been removed. The house apparently sold. On a small lot but equipped with a four bay garage. One bay designed for a large recreational vehicle.
I stopped to take a picture of the house when I suddenly noticed a doe by a small tree. She didn’t in any way appear disturbed by my presence. She walked beneath the leaves, munched something on the ground and the curled up for a nap.
Animals aren’t fussy. They can sleep pretty much anywhere.
We could probably do the same if we could live without some comforts. Remember there are some codes for human habitat. Until you can no longer afford to pay the rent. Then your choices are limited to places like Rock Creek Canyon. The deer may have better options at that point.
Have we reached the day where we’ll call it a housing crisis? And how do we combat the growing problem. Ketchum proposes tents. Nothing says Third World more than the tent encampments of Lahore! Now, it’s coming to the wealthiest and I might add, “Bluest” parts of Idaho. And the reddest. As witnessed here.
I haven’t heard much from the political community but the guy or gal who can come up with a workable solution has a winning idea.
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