An Imposter Near the British Crown is an American (and Not Who You May Think)
Not everyone who claims to be British can be believed.
He’s part historian, a walking encyclopedia of British history and in high demand as an analyst by news media.
A couple of weeks ago during the royal wedding there was a face with a clipped English accent all over television. Thomas J. Mace-Archer-Mills, Esq. is a publisher of a magazine about the royal family.
He’s part historian, a walking encyclopedia of British history and in high demand as an analyst by news media.
He’s not British. Or not by birth. He grew up in a small town in Upstate New York and his ancestry is Italian. The Wall Street Journal reports he has been an anglophile since he was a boy.
While some in media initially believed they had been fooled, most agree his knowledge of his subject matter is extraordinary.
If people can claim they’re actually housecats and some white women call themselves black and some men call themselves Filipino women then Mace-Archer-Mills is mild in comparison.