Are Tattered Jeans Acceptable for Church & Work?
Why wear a dress hat with tattered jeans?
I realize the lifestyle in Idaho isn’t the same as Manhattan.
Driving home this week, I spotted a young man waiting to cross South Washington Street. He was wearing a fedora. Beneath his head, he wore a ragged t-shirt and tattered denim. I realize the lifestyle in Idaho isn’t the same as Manhattan. I’ve seen the Governor in jacket and tie, but still wearing his jeans and cowboy boots. It’s not out of place here. I can wear dungarees to work. In my previous workplace, a jacket and tie were required.
On weekends, I prefer sweatshirts and cargo pants. I won’t wear tattered jeans to church. Years ago, I was going to the beach after Mass. I wore shorts and then felt embarrassed by my choice. Later in the week, I saw my pastor outside the rectory and apologized. He explained he didn’t have an issue with neat shorts. Cut off denim and soiled t-shirts were another matter.
There are still places where decorum requires we dress for respect. I saw this story today at Crisis. Worth pondering, wouldn’t you say?
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