TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) – Local BASE jumpers want to give back to the community – something they’ve been doing for the past four years.  

For three days beginning Friday, local BASE jumpers will be cleaning up the Snake River Canyon. Of course, they could always use some extra help.

“My reason for organizing the event is to give back to the community,” Marc Lambert told News Radio 1310. “I believe BASE jumping from the bridge to be a privilege and cleaning up the area around the bridge is an easy way to give back to the community and to be a good steward for the Perrine Bridge and Magic Valley.”

Last year the group, with help from about a dozen or so non-BASE jumping volunteers, removed some 1.6 tons of trash from the canyon.

“But that didn’t include the 15 or more trashed shopping carts we removed from the canyon,” he said, noting that each year there seems to be a slight increase in the amount of garbage removed.

BASE jumpers have a different perspective than others might: once their chutes open, they see the trash that pollutes the canyon as they glide back to earth.

“Since this area is so beautiful, we want to continue to keep it beautiful and even make it better,” Lambert said. “It’s sad to me to see people trash such a natural wonder as the Snake River Canyon.”

He said the group has always tried to involve non-BASE jumping volunteers, and about a dozen or so show up each year to help, but he’d like to see more volunteers come out this time around. Contributions from area businesses also are always appreciated.

Hilex Poly has donated trash bags each year, he said, and Twin Falls Sandwich Company donates lunch for those that help out. This year Chobani and Cliff Bar also will be donating food for volunteers.

Lambert said besides being good stewards of the canyon and community, the group wants to make the BASE jumping experience a little more comfortable. With that in mind, a GoFundMe account that so far has raised about $6,500 and a $10,000 donation from the Twin Falls Rotary Club and area jumpers will provide new sod for the grassy area where the adventurers usually pack their chutes. The money will also provide benches, picnic tables and a structure to provide shade at the site. Any extra money will be used for maintenance.

Community members who’d like to help out can get a trash bag and instructions at 9 a.m. Saturday, April 21, at the Twin Falls Visitor Center parking lot, where volunteers and business partners will meet for the main clean up day.

“It’s important to show that BASE jumpers are aware of the unique opportunity the Perrine Bridge and Magic Valley offer us,” he said. “We love Twin Falls and want to continue jumping from the bridge. Volunteering to clean up around the bridge shows that jumpers are dedicated to maintaining a good, respectful relationship with Idaho, Twin Falls, and local communities.”


Below are images from past cleanup events. 

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