Celebrate Cow Appreciation Day 2019 By Dressing As A Cow
We seem to love dressing up for free treats. Halloween we go all out in hopes of getting free candy and on Cow Appreciation Day we dress as cows to get free food! I've written about this 'holiday' ever since I first heard about it in 2015. I've also made sure to take my family every year, dressed as cows, to get free food from Chick-fil-A. My youngest daughter was super bummed a few years ago when she grew out of her cow costume and had to make a costume.
This year you can head to Chick-fil-A in Twin Falls from 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on July 23rd and get a free entree if you dress like a cow or wear something cow-like. My kids usually cut out black shapes to tape to their white shirts, make some cow horns and ears to wear, and paint their faces to look like cows. If you need some help and inspiration on how to properly represent a cow you can check out the Chick-fil-A page. Facebook is a pretty good place to find creative cow costume creation ideas if you search #CowAppreciationDay.
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