Commentary: Palin’s Dogs Comment Was Spot On!
Do we need any further evidence news media is filled with self-abusers than the latest hyperventilating about Sarah Palin? The former Alaska Governor spoke Wednesday at the Capitol Hill rally in opposition to President Obama’s “agreement” with his co-religionists in Iran. During her remarks she criticized the President for not taking a stand against the cop-killers at Black Lives Matter, suggesting he could call off the “dogs”. At this link is a response from the Washington Post. Yes, it’s possible to masturbate in print. Now if Palin had said, “All black people are filthy dogs!” then the Post might have a point. What she was saying is members of Black Lives Matter are Obama’s Brown Shirts as they battle opponents in the streets of a modern Weimar Republic. Media contorts meaning to the point the writers must have dislocated every joint in their bodies.
Palin is very polite. I can tell you right now my dad and his fellow law enforcers wouldn’t have used “dogs”. They drove personal vehicles with George Wallace bumper stickers. The old man had a name for just about every ethnic group but had learned the words from older men as he was growing up and, yet. He associated well with people of all colors and ethnic backgrounds. The card table where he and his buddies met in the back of our garage was a little United Nations. Palin echoed the views of just about every law enforcer I know today and she would’ve been applauded by my dad and his friends. Call off the dogs or fry “pigs in a blanket”. Which one do you find more tasteless? Mainstream media needs a good kick in the pants (I cleaned that one up). Why doesn’t the Post call out the President and his party for the meek response to violent extremism hell bent on executing deputies and police officers while they’re pumping gas? Obama sent representatives to the Michael Brown funeral in Missouri. Brown was a hoodlum. So far the White House has skipped the funerals for the victims of Black Lives Matter.