Fish and Game: Leave Baby Wildlife Alone
JEROME, Idaho (KLIX) – Now that spring has sprung, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game wants to remind people to leave baby wildlife alone.
The department said in a news release Friday:
Each spring a myriad of baby birds, ducklings, fawn mule deer, calf elk, bear cubs, baby raccoons, fox and rabbits are taken from the outdoors and brought to Fish and Game. The unfortunate part of these well-intended "rescues" is that in most cases, the animal was not lost, abandoned, or orphaned.
It's human nature to want to help a young animal that seems to be alone or abandoned, but taking it out of its environment can create unnecessary problems for the young animal. It also is illegal for people to keep and raise most species of wildlife in Idaho. The best approach is to curb the tender feelings of wanting to help and leave the animal undisturbed.
"Just because the mother is not present, doesn't mean the youngster isn't being properly cared for,” Greg Painter, a Fish and Game wildlife manager, said in the prepared statement. “If you encounter young wildlife that seems abandoned, it’s best to leave it alone.”