Idaho Drivers Prepare for a Mileage Tax
As if four dollars a gallon wasn’t insult enough. You could as well be paying a mileage tax in a few years. In the 1.2 trillion dollar spending bill moved Tuesday by the United States Senate is a pilot program that could institute a tax for distance you drive. The Washington Times has details here. It’s buried in a bill that’s more than 2,700 pages long. It’s called an infrastructure bill but only about a quarter is dedicated to roads, bridges and high speed Internet.
Idaho's Jim Risch and Mike Crapo joined Democrats in voting for the mileage tax scheme.
I’ve been reading comments from leading Democrats who say the deficit spending will eventually pay for itself. Through increased economic activity. It’s a hope and not a truism. Buying a lottery ticket could also provide me with money for a vacation home! Could provide isn’t will provide.
Democrats also pledge any holes will be plugged by making the rich pay their fair share, although. The poor generally don’t pay taxes directly. They pay more for goods as deficit spending fuels inflation.
You may not live beneath the poverty line but a lot of Idahoans bust their butts to provide for families. I know a guy and he meets the definition. He’s a salesman. His territory takes him across Southern Idaho, Eastern Idaho, and north to Challis and south to almost Salt Lake City. He’s his own boss and the gas he buys comes out of pocket. As would a mileage tax.
Liberal voters in places like New York City often don’t even own a car. They take a bus, a train or the subway to work. Many are well off. They won’t pay a mileage tax.
People who work for a living in rural America will dig even deeper.
I believe this is an admission the spending plan won’t actually pay for itself. You’ll pay. And your children and your grandchildren.
Idaho's Jim Risch and Mike Crapo joined Democrats in voting for the mileage tax scheme.