
This Count Says Idahoans Have A Heavy Debt Load
This Count Says Idahoans Have A Heavy Debt Load
This Count Says Idahoans Have A Heavy Debt Load
Source: WalletHub There is an image of Idahoans being thrifty and stingy with money.  Not according to WalletHub, which shares people in the state don’t mind pulling out the credit card.  The site ranked all 50 states and the District of Columbia.  Idaho has the 13th highest credit card burden.
Idaho Student Debt Isn’t Pretty
Idaho Student Debt Isn’t Pretty
Idaho Student Debt Isn’t Pretty
Got debt?  Over the weekend, a writer for the Boston Globe’s Sunday magazine warned the college debt bomb is far more serious than anyone realizes and threatens the future of entire generations of Americans.  Debt isn’t threatening every corner of the country.
Trump’s Answer for Debt?  Print More $$$ (Opinion)
Trump’s Answer for Debt? Print More $$$ (Opinion)
Trump’s Answer for Debt? Print More $$$ (Opinion)
Donald Trump’s debt solution reminds me of Jay Leno’s Dorito’s commercial.  To paraphrase:  Don’t worry, we’ll print more.  For those of us in the ABC camp (Anybody But Clinton), we’ll be supporting Trump because there isn’t a viable alternative in 2016...
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The holiday season is a tough time to set limits on anything! It is hard to stick to a diet. It's hard for some to enjoy the company of everyone who comes through your doors. And it really hard for some to stick to a budget when it comes to Christmas shopping!

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