Idaho Rivers Nearing Flood Stage
After a couple days of heavy rain, the Payette River is rising and now at minor flood stage. Record high temperatures earlier this week have given way to heavy rain, and that’s led to a flood warning for the Payette River. The water levels of the Payette River were around 9.6 feet Thursday afternoon. The river is expected to crest at a little over 12 feet today. That level doesn't cause too much concern, but if it gets worse, the city of Emmett might have a few problems to deal with. Bruce Evans with Emmett Public Works is watching the river closely. He says the work that's been done on the levees will help keep the water tamed. In 1997 and 2010 they had some of the worst flooding seen on that stretch of the river Evans says they have sand bags ready to go, along with crews and trucks if things get worse. The water level is expected to barely reach the moderate flood stage. The Big Wood River is also at risk of flooding today and tomorrow thanks to the rainfall, warm temperatures and melting snowpack. The Coeur d’Alene river and St. Joe river in north Idaho are at flood stage. Others Idaho rivers that could possible flood include the Henry’s Fork and the Clearwater, Payette and Weiser rivers.