Idaho Truck Drivers Aren’t Planning Convoy to Washington, D.C.
Friends in Idaho’s trucking industry are telling me they don’t know anyone from the state planning to participate in a possible convoy to Washington, D.C. It doesn’t mean some won’t. Maybe they’re keeping it close to the vest. Some drivers around the country would like to emulate what their fellow truckers did in Canada.
Keep in mind, the ranks of independent truckers in America are smaller than they were 45 years ago, however. It doesn’t mean the independents wouldn’t have a substantial impact.
Simply Turn Off the Engines
Here’s an alternative strategy. Drivers who can afford to sit for a couple of days should simply park their cabs. A couple of weeks ago I wrote that the civilization in Southern Idaho depends mostly on two pillars. Water and trucks moving goods. Nationally, trucks move most goods. A train can’t usually pull aside your grocery store. A few thousand drivers take a couple of days off, people will suddenly have a great awakening.
Once driving resumes following a strike, there will still be a need for thousands of additional drivers. An on-air guest offered a solution. Steve Millington is chairman of the Twin Falls County Republican Party. He suggests we give visas to Canadian drivers and allow them to ply their trade here.
A Boost for the Economy
It’s a win-win. America’s economy gets a shot in the arm and the despot running Canada will lose his job!
Over time, some Canadian drivers could apply for citizenship. Having watched the hours and hours of their carnival in Ottawa, it appears to me most would make great Americans. After all, we still claim to believe in liberty.