Why and How Living in Idaho is Saving People Money in the Long Term
School is back in session, and college students have started a new semester in their education. Going to college is some of the best times in someone's life. You get to be on your own for the first time, study what you are interested in, prepare for your career, and experience all that college has to offer outside of class. It can be the best four years, six years, or however long it takes you to get through years of your life. Many of us have fond memories of college, but sadly it ends quicker than we realize and life begins as an adult and professional. While college fades into a memory and a thing of the past, not everything stays in the past. School debt follows many of us for years, decades, or the rest of our life. When it comes to school debt, which states have the most student debt, and which have the lowest?
States With the Most and Least Student Debts
When it comes to school debt, many of us spend well after college trying to pay it off, with little success. You will pay for nearly a decade and knock maybe a couple thousand off a debt of forty thousand due to interest. It is tough and frustrating, which is why the state you live in can be an important factor. According to a list on WalletHub, they ranked the states from most student debt to least student debt. The criteria they looked for were student loan indebtedness, and grant and student work opportunities. According to this list, West Virginia is the state with the most debt, with Pennsylvania coming in at second and South Dakota, surprisingly, at third to round out the top three. The state with the least debt is Utah, just a tad better than Washington DC, which was ahead of California, surprisingly, to be the three with the least debt.
Does Idaho Have a Ton of Student Debt?
Idaho is doing pretty well when it comes to managing their student debt, as they come in at 37 on the list. For both categories, they were consistent, landing at 36 for student load indebtedness, and 38 for grant and student work opportunities. With the cost of living being less in Idaho, and the economy rising here, residents can have extra money to pay off bigger amounts of their debt each month, compared to other states where all of their income goes towards daily living. The cheaper cost of living has many benefits, and in this case, it is allowing residents to take care of their loans, while others suffer and watch interest continue to increase.

While school debt is not fun anywhere and we all thrive to be debt free one day, living in Idaho is a great place to see that goal achieved. Work while going to school, save up to make payments after college, and if you get a head start you can help pay it off quicker and become debt free before thirty if you are lucky. This is easier said than done but is the smart way to go. The next time you feel overwhelmed by that student loan you are still paying off, take a breath and know that it could always be worse and that that amount could be higher if you lived someplace else.
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