Idaho’s Brad Little Needs Some Help on Vaccine Passport Ban
I think the Idaho House and Senate need to weigh in. Governor Brad Little’s executive order banning any potential COVID vaccine passport is a great start. He’s among the first Governors in the nation to take a public stand. Representative Russ Fulcher from Idaho’s First Congressional District is working with more than two dozen U.S. House Republicans to ensure it never becomes national policy.
There are even many prominent liberals warning the passports are not only a violation of your God given liberties but would open the door to tyranny
Back at the state level, executive orders can be challenged. This is why state legislators need to quickly put together a bill, pass it and allow the Governor to sign it into law.
There are even many prominent liberals warning the passports are not only a violation of your God given liberties but would open the door to tyranny along the lines of what history tells us happened in Nazi Germany. These include Naomi Wolf.
Liberals with a more Orwellian streak are suddenly alarmed by opposition to the medical equivalent of the Mark of the Beast. Click here to read a column in the Washington Post by Dr. Leanna Wen. Is she afraid if her fellow travelers lose the language game they’ll lose on this issue? Wen previously ran Planned Parenthood where the language is twisted to read “reproductive health” when speaking of infanticide. Is this more than the pot calling the kettle black?
The entire fear apparatus that has governed America these last 13 months is in danger of collapse. It’s got the left worried. The shoe now on the other foot, they’re marshaling mainstream media to demand we ban the words vaccine passport. I fully expect any day now, those two words will be denounced as racist. We’ll get something along the lines of “kindness klatch” as a substitute.
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