The Biggest Yellow Jacket Nest You May Have Ever Seen In Twin Falls
As temperatures start to get cooler you may start to do a little end of summer cleaning. That is what we did. Getting ready to blow out our sprinklers, checking out the area that can turn on and off our water. That is where we found the monstrosity of a yellow jacket nest. It was horrifying.
We opened up the area where the valves are for the sprinkler system to find a massive yellow jacket nest. Yes, it was a yellow jacket nest and not a wasp nest, making it so much worse! Wasps are jerks, but yellow jackets are super jerks!
If you look closely you can see the span of the nest. It almost covers all the valves. Apparently, yellow jacket nests have holes in the bottom of them rather than a bunch all over the nest. Apparently, those are called paper wasps.
Yellow jackets are incredibly aggressive and will actually swarm. When we went out to try and kill everything in the nest, about 100 or so came swarming out. Thankfully, we were able to flee without being stung. It has now taken 3 rounds of killer to saturate the area. More and more are coming out.
At this point I feel like I have to kill them all with fire and just move. They must have been there all summer long. In the future, we will double check that area to make sure something like this doesn't happen again.
Be careful, yellow jackets are super jerks. And we don't want to get stung by super jerks.