One of the longest-running true crime series on television has just begun streaming the story of a 2017 murder case involving a Montana police officer and a southern Idaho man, who would ultimately be found guilty of his crimes and sentenced to life behind bars.

Broadwater County is a region of approximately 6,700 people located in southwestern Montana. The county was the scene of a 2017 shooting involving a Montana law enforcement officer and father of three, and a Pocatello native with a history of psychological issues. Dateline NBC will recount the story of the murder of Montana Deputy Mason Moore this week in an episode titled, "On a Dark, Deserted Highway."

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The evening of May 16, 2017, was the last patrol shift of Broadwater County Deputy Mason Moore. Highway 287 is a 40-mile, backcountry paved road that is often used to enter Yellowstone National Park in southwestern Montana. Moore was patrolling the area during his final rounds shortly after 2 A.M. when he was gunned down by Idaho native Lloyd Barrus. Barrus grew up in Pocatello, which is approximately 110 miles east of Twin Falls.

Police dashcam footage was included in court proceedings against Barrus, who was found guilty in the shooting death of officer Moore, who left a wife and three kids behind. The case was covered by numerous news outlets throughout Idaho. A memorial highway was later dedicated to the fallen officer.

The Dateline true crime episode was released days ago for streaming on NBC and Peacock TV.

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