Lessons for Liberals From Charlottesville (Opinion)
Don’t poke a bear with a stick. It’s a lesson you probably learned when you were young. Violators often get mauled.
If you’ve a need to show your opposition to a white nationalist march then schedule your own event for the following weekend or on the other side of town
I realize it’s not popular (I’ve been accused of blaming the victim), but if the alt-left had ignored the weekend march in Charlottesville, then it’s not likely anybody would’ve died. This notion the left is going to throw the Klan and Nazis a beating is an invitation to violence. Cooler heads would say let the far-right march. Let the police keep an eye on the march and then when the march is done, everyone goes home.
Why is this so difficult? If you’re looking for trouble, it may find you. If you’ve a need to show your opposition to a white nationalist march, then schedule your own event for the following weekend or on the other side of town.
When I attended the Glenn Beck rally 7 years ago, the Reverend Al Sharpton created a competing event. Even a provocateur like Sharpton decided to hold his event several blocks away from the Beck gathering.
This isn’t a call for you to give up your views. I’m dialing up common sense.
By the way, now we’ve got some Senators (Lindsey Graham) talking about curtailing civil liberties. Apparently, the embodiment of evil rests on Capitol Hill.