18-year-old Charged with Running from Blaine County Deputy
BELLEVUE, Idaho (KLIX)-An 18-year-old Bellevue resident is facing a felony charge of running from police and several misdemeanors following a chase Sunday evening that ended in a crash. According to the Blaine County Sheriff's Office, Jake Charpentier, is facing a felony eluding a police office, misdemeanor driving under the influence, and misdemeanor resisting an officer. A Blaine County Deputy tried to pull over a Ford pickup Charpentier had been driving at around 9:30 p.m. near Gannett Road on Main Street. The depot had seen the driver allegedly made several traffic violations. The sheriff's office said Charpentier did not stop and ran several stop signs, went into oncoming traffic, was speeding, and eventually hit a tree. The deputy had to chase the driver after the crash into a back yard and over a fence. Charpentier was arraigned in magistrate court Monday morning in Blaine County and released on bond.

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