POLL: What Twin Falls Business Most Excited To Open 2021
2020 was kind of a poop year so let's look on some positives shall we? Barring any further complications there is going to be some pretty great businesses opening up in Twin Falls this year. We want to know what business you are most excited to open.
It is hard for me not to be ridiculously excited about Texas Roadhouse. That restaurant is like the final thing Twin Falls has been begging for, besides a good seafood place or even a Red Lobster.
I really love to support local though so eating at ALL the places in 2nd South Market like the Sushi and Poke Hut and Lucy's Pizzeria are going to be exciting to try.
If there is something that is opening that we don't know about yet please feel free to message us and let us know.
I am still trying to get more details on White Pine Distillery but I feel like this is one that I am going to be most excited about. Having gin, vodka and maybe whiskey distilled right here in Twin Falls, epic.
We don't have official timelines on all of the stores opening but we will keep you updated as they become available. Again. if you or someone you know is opening a business this year and it is not on the list email me at courtney.salmon@townsquaremedia.com and let's chat.

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