The light show is officially back! Shoshone Falls After Dark returns this weekend for a bunch of family fun! There is limited availability for the show and the ones in May sold out pretty quickly. If you want to make sure you get to see the show you should get tickets sooner rather than later.

Shoshone Falls After Dark

Shoshone Falls After Dark Returns This Weekend

The event will be from June 3rd through June 12th. The only day it will not be showing will be Monday, June 6th. That means that there are 9 different chances to check out the light show. The reason these dates weren't announced sooner was due to the uncertainty of the water levels. The lights begin at 9:45 pm and last until 11:30 pm.

Shoshone Falls After Dark

Water Levels Should Be Good

The water flowing over Shoshone Falls during this time should actually be better than the May preview. I imagine you can thank the strange snow and rain we have had the last few weeks.

Shoshone Falls After Dark

Ticket Pricing And Information

You pay general admission per vehicle. You can arrive at either 9:45 pm, 10:15 pm or 10:45 Tickets are $20 dollars per vehicle plus taxes and fees. Oversize vehicles are $30 dollar plus taxes and fees. These tickets only cover the number of people that the vehicle legally can carry. Sorry, you can't stuff 20 people in a Kia Optima.

The prices are the same each night whether it is on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday or during the week. Oversize vehicles include RVs and buses. There are no buses and no walking into the park.

Shoshone Falls After Dark

Other Good Information To Know About The Event

Again, there will be no walking into the park and there will be no busses to drive up and down the grade. Dogs are allowed on a leash. You are allowed to bring outside food and drink into the park. However, there will be a food vendor available. The show itself lasts about 23 minutes and passes are 30-minute slots. The show is all-new this year with new lights and programming. You can get more ticket information by going to their website.

These will likely be the last dates for the show this year. The hope is that next year they will be able to increase the number of shows based on the amount of precipitation we get before 2023.

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