Survey Ranks Idaho as America’s Dumbest State
When it comes to states, apparently we're Fredo!
I’ve always found the percentage of dummies equal no matter where I’ve lived. It’s a small group but every community has a few village idiots. Cities and states also have their fair share. So, I’m a little suspicious when someone tells me Idaho is the stupidest state. Ranked 51st, even behind Washington, D.C. Grant it, a lot of the biggest dummies in Washington actually have residences in other states.
You may have grown up on a ranch in Idaho and maybe you also went to college, however. You didn’t need a business degree to know how to makes things click.

This is a link to a website called safehome.org. It has ranked the smartest states and somehow we’re dead last. Which is strange, because Utah, right next door with a shared culture, is ranked second smartest. Graft-ridden New Jersey placed atop the list. What gives here?
It’s the measurement. More specifically the measurement system. It’s based on college degrees and advanced degrees.
Now, I don’t know much about you but my best friend has a high school diploma and nothing more. He hated school and was itching to graduate and then take over his grandfather’s farm.
Almost 40 years later and he’s still making a living atop a cold hill. He learned business skills and frugality through his parents and grandparents. They were all successful farmers.
You may have grown up on a ranch in Idaho and maybe you also went to college, however. You didn’t need a business degree to know how to makes things click. It was passed down through family.
Through my own work I’ve met many people with advanced degrees. Some are brilliant. Others, I wonder how they tie their own shoes every morning.
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