New United States employment data has now confirmed that the Coronavirus has had an economic impact on the country that has not been experienced in 80 years.
I’ve experienced three earthquakes (that I can recall) and found it thrilling. However, I’ve never lived through something on the scale of Northridge or Anchorage.
Idahoans have a healthy fear of God. A fellow who works for state government told me an estimated 80 percent of the people in his hometown are regular church goers.
Are we afraid to talk about serious threats to our futures? Some years ago, I was broadcasting at a gun safe sale when a woman approached me and told me we had once met. As she explained, I had visited her church and sat one row behind her...
Driving home from work today I listened to the radio as my Governor outlined his 2016 wish list. C.L. “Butch” Otter has had the job in Idaho for a long time now. One year into his third term he originally took the office just as a worldwide recession arrived...