Many former members of the military are in Idaho, as they are in every state, but where is the best place for these former soldiers to spend their retirement?
We all know the frustration of waiting for a cable installer. 15 years ago I was working as the News Director of a TV station in Vermont. I ordered cable for my home as it allowed me to monitor our product, our competitors and the news from just across the Canadian border...
A small city in Vermont is split over a Mayoral decision by fiat. Rutland is a small city in Southern Vermont accepting 100 Syrian refugees. Despite objections by some people living there the local political class is suddenly deaf. And accusing the opposition of bigotry...
Don’t be shocked if Bernie Sanders is the next President of the United States. Saying it could happen isn’t an endorsement. It’s a prediction based on the man raising 25 million dollars from 650-thousand individual contributors. Last week I suggested the money could only come from Wall Street in such a large amount...
Bernie Sanders isn’t a racist because he’s a socialist. Donald Trump is a racist because he told some inconvenient truth. Got it? The fellow travelers in American news media sure have found Sanders racist rant less attractive than anything said by Trump...