Like most children, my kids love their screen time. Rather they are watching TV, playing a video game or playing a game on a tablet...they are happy if they are in-front of any screen. And like most moms, I worry about the amount of screen time my kids get.
IT'S FINALLY COMING! The game that virtually no one is looking forward to, yet can't stop talking about! Ever dreamed of being a goat? How about owning one? Driving one? Or bouncing one on a trampoline? Then you'll LOVE Goat Simulator.
When are Playstation 4 and Xbox One coming out? Very, very soon: November 15 is the official release date for both consoles. Which one are you going to get?
Playstation 4 will be $399, but does not include the Playstation camera.
Xbox One will be $499, and DOES include the Xbox Kinect...
Sometimes you feel like really taking your time with a video game, digging around, finding treasure, leveling up to maximum capacity. Other times you just want to run like hell. These are those times, and if you've ever played any of these games, and you suffer from untreated anxiety, you might not want to watch these videos. Speed runs can get a bit intense.
This video from Fox Sports would have us believe that Mike Tyson has never played the classic Nintendo game that shares his name. Actually, considering all the trouble Iron Mike got into during the '80s, that's probably accurate.
This is Kanye West. He's going on a Kanye Quest!!! AAAH! Kanye Quest 3030 is a new RPG you should definitely be playing if you like to play old school 2D RPGs.
The Russian block-matching puzzle game Tetris took the world by storm in the late 1980s when it was released on Nintendo's NES and Gameboy platforms. And we think we've found one of the best players around.
Good ol' Black Thought. Not only is he an amazingly talented member of The Roots and Jimmy Fallon's house band, but he's also willing to admit on national television that he's a "game freak." And then willing to do rap to the theme from Super Mario Brothers.
Yesterday, Sony revealed their new gaming system the PS4. Considering how up in arms everybody was over the XBox One, it's no surprise that people were more than willing to hop onboard the PS4 bandwagon. When they announced that the console would cost $100 less than XBox, it was basically all over. Here's how people were reacting.
Legend has it that 30 years ago Atari buried a massive cache of video game cartridges in a landfill in New Mexico. Specifically, they buried tons and tons of copies of the failed 'E.T.' video game, an Atari non-classic that nearly sunk the gaming industry. Now a film crew has been given six months to search the massive 100 acre landfill to find the motherlode of lost games and confirm that the sto