There is violence, sex and slavery.  There are wars between neighboring tribes and a people who believe they are God’s chosen and therefore special.  A man kills his brother in a jealous rage.  There is discrimination as some people can’t get on a boat and they drown.  People are warned there are certain lifestyles the Lord finds abominable.  They aren’t told all cultures and lifestyles are equal.  Some of the claims in the book defy modern science.

If Green Eggs and Ham can be shredded for insensitive portrayals of characters who look like aliens, then we can expect worse for the Bible.

The one book most likely the biggest threat to a movement based on replacing God with government is the book that changed Western Civilization.

This morning I chuckled when I read eBay was banning the sales of some Dr. Seuss books while Mein Kampf and the Turner Diaries were still available.  The latter was eventually removed but the rantings of Adolf Hitler are still easily found.  Hitler’s book is a look into a demonic soul and while it’s not great literature, you gain a profile of one of humanity’s biggest mass murderers.  It should be available.  I’ve mentioned on-air there is a copy on my bookshelf.

It was a gift from a high school history teacher.  When I asked how such a man could be formed and then seduce a nation, she pulled her copy of Mein Kampf from a shelf and told me it was now mine.

Hitler was a book burner.  He destroyed what he considered a threat to his regime.  Our virtual book burners are selective in their outrage.  They lurch from one perceived emergency to another.

The one book most likely the biggest threat to a movement based on replacing God with government is the book that changed Western Civilization.  The one civilization Lefty despises while calling all others equal.  Stay tuned.  The Equality Act could create the biggest bonfire in history.


KEEP READING: Scroll to see what the big headlines were the year you were born


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