There are No Liberals in This Idaho County
A Facebook friend says my statement is accurate. Her husband is from Oreana, and he’s fourth generation Owyhee County! I had an opportunity to go meandering while on vacation. I would simply get in the car and go off in a direction, and then follow some roads and take some detours. One of my old bosses told me you don’t get much more rural in America than Owyhee County. There are some places with smaller populations in North Dakota, but often those counties are also geographically smaller, however. All share one thing in common. There was a time when these places were considered inhospitable territory.
Cold weather and sometimes hostile indigenous tribes made life difficult for the newcomers. They kept coming, and in southern Idaho, when irrigation became simpler, it opened up the region to settlement. Just not much in Owyhee County, where life can still be hard. Not that people mind the challenge. Everyone I know who works a job that requires sweating can take some pride in not being soft.
Hard people aren’t liberals. If you work from before sunrise and often until long after sunset, you guard the fruits of your labor. There’s also not much respect for people who are looking at you to carry their freight.
Some in mainstream media rage against the phrase, “Let’s Go Brandon!” Maybe because it accurately reflects their fawning over big government politicians. The truth hurts. The phrase also reminds me of the language I heard from a schoolteacher when I was a kid. He was raised as a Mennonite and when he said, “Gold dang,” it was considered a much cleaner alternative. “Oh, fiddlesticks,” was a common phrase from one of my grandmothers when she was frustrated by some daily chore. We would say the teacher and Grandma both did the better thing when it came to their language choices.
Most liberals I’ve ever met have the biggest potty-mouths I’ve ever heard. We’re not changing how we speak to please you.