Toys R Us Collapsed Because The Kids Were Never Born
Millions of American children wandered the aisles of Toys R Us in wonder. Just walking through the stores brought joy. Now Toys R Us is the latest victim of a changing culture and some bad business planning, however.
This is a trend seen throughout the developed world and it’s a major argument for the open borders crowd
While online shopping and a huge debt load played a role in the demise of the chain, there is another reason. The Washington Post explains it’s a dwindling U.S. birthrate. Fewer kids mean fewer parents buying toys for children. This is a trend seen throughout the developed world and it’s a major argument for the open borders crowd.
I should also mention an editor at the Post recently recommended aborting Down syndrome babies. Most of these children grow up and lead quite normal lives but it’s the latest rage from the eugenics crowd. I’d mention the writer also isn’t a Christian but the all “faiths are equal” crowd would wail and whine our exclusionary culture requires more outsiders. Thus have we reaped what we’ve sown?