Twin Falls Prosecutor Issues Statement on Death of Two Babies
TWIN FALLS, Idaho(KLIX)-The Twin Falls County prosecuting attorney released more information concerning the accidental deaths of two infants in October of 2018 and the subsequent investigation.
Recently the Prosecutor Grant Loebs concluded there wasn't enough evidence to charge the mother for the deaths of two babies and determined the deaths were accidental. According to Loebs, the Twin Falls Police investigation and Twin Falls County Coroner's report found the likely cause of death was caused by the mother rolling over onto the infants after falling asleep. A forensic pathologist found the cause of death was by asphyxia during co-sleeping.
"This was a horrible situation wherein two small children died. The Twin Falls City Police Department, the Twin Falls County Coroner, the forensic pathologist, and my office all investigated this case thoroughly for several months," said Loebs in a prepared statement. "After conferring with each of these agencies and examining all the evidence collected in this case we have decided that the evidence we have is not sufficient to charge anyone in the tragic deaths of these infants."
The investigation also found the babies had small amounts of methamphetamine in their systems as a result of being in a house where drugs were being used, but did not cause their deaths. "While it is always disturbing to find children being raised in a home where drugs are used---indeed, it often justifies the removal of children from such homes, the pathologist and the Corner concluded that meth was not the cause of the deaths of the children in this case."
Two people living in the home were charged and convicted of possession of methamphetamine as a result of the investigation.
"In cases like this, which seem so senseless, there is a strong desire to hold someone criminally responsible. My office, the police, and the Coroner, though, are bound to gather the evidence and follow where it leads. In this case, the evidence tells us this was a horrific accident." said Loebs. "Cases like this take a profound toll on all who work on them. I am thankful for the unbiased professionalism shown by those who worked on this investigation."
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