VIDEO: East Idaho Lamb Laughs On Cue At Jokes Told By Passersby
One of the major reasons so many people look forward to the start of their state or county fair is because of the animals. Kids in particular love passing by the stables and corrals to sneak a peek at what the sheep, horses, and pigs are up to.
With eight weeks to go before the start of spring, we have a long way to go before our county fair gets underway on August 31. To get you guys in the mood, I came across a pretty funny video shared on YouTube from the 2021 Eastern Idaho State Fair. The young sheep in the video appears to laugh almost on cue at jokes told by a lady walking by.
"What's the difference between a Horny Toad and a frog," the woman asks the lamb, whose bleat sounds more like a laugh. "A frog says ribbit-ribbit, and a Horny Toad says rub-it, rub-it," the woman continues. I actually laughed at the joke along with the young animal, which speaks volumes about my maturity level.
Maybe when this year's Eastern Idaho State Fair kicks off in early September you can find this sheep and drop some zingers on it yourself. The Funny Jokes and Such YouTube channel has some humorous content on it, and we want to thank the host for sharing the video of this Gem State laughing lamb.
I wonder what animal would have the loudest laugh. Maybe the gir-laffe? That was horrible...I know.
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