Video Shows Driver Hit Bicycle on Burley Sidewalk Just as Child Jumps Off
BURLEY, Idaho (KLIX)-Video has surfaced on social media showing a pickup going through a public park in Burley attempting to run over what appears to be children on bicycles. The video was posted on Facebook from a surveillance video camera at a home near a Burley park on Friday, July 9. According to the Cassia County Sheriff's Office, the incident happened at around 9:39 at the East Park next to the Cassia County Fairgrounds. The shows what appears to be a dark colored pickup turning onto the grass in the park following several young people on bicycles. In another video is shows several of the children ride to a house where one of them jumps off his bike just before the pickup drives onto the sidewalk and runs it over. According to the Cassia County Sheriff's Office, investigators are trying to determine what exactly happened. No one was injured. They are interviewing several of the children involved and looking at additional video attempting to identify the driver.

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