Was Trump Supposed to Punch Putin?
Two words: Tonkin Gulf. Or how about four? Weapons of Mass Destruction.
And remember, a woman named Hillary Clinton made it easy for them when she served as U.S. Secretary of State.
There was a consensus in both cases the intelligence was solid. The first was a lie concocted by Lyndon Johnson and his sycophants. The jury is still out on WMD but most observers now believe the evidence was flawed (I’m not among them). Now we have evidence of Russian meddling in U.S. elections.
Was President Trump supposed to punch his Russian counterpart for the cameras? Does Russia meddle in the affairs of other countries? Does a bear crap in the woods? Conservative columnist Cal Thomas reminds us today even our beloved country does the same and often for a cause perceived as good. Such as promoting the interests of the United States (think Iranian centrifuges).
Russia didn’t change any votes. It’s the key point to remember about our elections. I’m far more worried about China. Not a month appears to have gone by in the past decade where I haven’t read a story about China stealing our defense, political and corporate secrets. And remember, a woman named Hillary Clinton made it easy for them when she served as U.S. Secretary of State.
I can’t envision war with Russia in ten years (unless liberals and media elites get their way). I will predict serious, bloody and nasty conflict with China.
As for the blindness of our elites, please watch the video at this link.