Your Children Will Never Experience “PUNCHBUG!”
Not that your kids are missing much. When I was a little boy my sister would shriek “PUNCHBUG!” and then smack me.
Featured in movies, adored by hippies and a cheap second car in many driveways.
Usually we were on the back seat of Dad’s massive Chrysler. The Volkswagen Beetle was a strangely exotic part of culture. Featured in movies, adored by hippies and a cheap second car in many driveways. Spotting one became a children’s game because they were so common on highways 50 years ago.
It was also noisy, cold in winter and a death trap in many accidents. Adolf Hitler promoted the Beetle as a car for everyman but war sidelined production. In order to revive the Post-War German economy Beetles got shipped by the millions to North America.
Then it vanished from American roads almost totally because of safety concerns. The revised Beetle briefly had a renaissance on American highways but now the odd little cars are being phased out of production. A lot of backseat fights will never materialize. Maybe kids can take up mumblety-peg.