If you don't already have your vehicle of choice filled up with gas, it might be time to get that done. There are 2 brand new videos that are showing that Jump Creek Falls is looking awesome.

Doug Crosby captured the drone video above that shows the beauty of the area surrounding Jump Creek. If you're new to Idaho, this is a comfortable 3 hour drive from Twin.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Our YouTube buddy, Hey Arnel, also visited Jump Creek a couple days ago and shared some drone footage and some nifty hiking.

The Jump Creek Falls area is known for being a very doable hike for even underachievers like me. Roots Rated has it listed as a short quarter mile hike. And, the payoff is beyond awesome with the waterfall and a pool that feels cool in the best possible way when the weather gets hot.

Have you gassed up your vehicle yet? We're ready.

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