A New National Musical Talent Rises Out of Idaho
It’s like she’s one with the instrument.
Who is Katrina Nicolayeff?
Idaho has its share of talented musicians, including Katrina Nicolayeff of Meridian. She’s a virtuoso when it comes to string instruments, and she’s the new Tennessee Valley Fiddle Champion as well as the Alabama fiddle champion. She picked up trophies at recent events.
Idaho isn’t exactly a stranger to bluegrass and strains of country music. It’s featured in the movie Sun Valley Serenade from 80 years ago. Settlers who came here brought the forms of music popular in the rest of rural America.
The Woman is a Budding Star
I hadn’t heard of Katrina before seeing the news of her talent and awards. I pulled up some videos of her work and was impressed. Her concentration is impeccable, hence the observation that the fiddle is simply an extension of what she’s imagining in her mind. She’s also already quite well-known on the musical circuit. Considering the hardware earned by the woman, I believe we’ll be hearing much more about her. She was up against some of the toughest competitors in North America.
Katrina Will be Traveling
It clearly helps her that we live in an age where anyone can quickly pull up a video and watch Katrina’s work. It cuts out weeks of putting together a demo and then mailing it away and hoping someone on the other end pulls it from the pile. I believe she has a busy touring schedule ahead as word spreads about her talent.