A Solution for the Rock Creek Fire District
You can’t get something for nothing is a phrase I heard growing up. A lot. My parents repeated there was nothing in life that was free. This week another request by the Rock Creek Fire District went down to defeat. On-air I wisecracked people won’t be happy when they’re putting out fires at their homes with garden hoses.
And of course, everyone needs to take offense about at least once every day and I got a message from the audience from a fellow who felt the garden hose remark was condescending. He also told me the District has “enough money”.
The population has grown exponentially, there are new housing developments, new roads and new industries.
Now that’s an opinion if not fact.
I do know the District is operating on a budget comparable to where it was 30 years ago, although. The population has grown exponentially, there are new housing developments, new roads and new industries.
Rural fire companies increasingly find it necessary to pay for staffing. The supply of volunteers is a shrinking number.
About a dozen years ago I was hosting a radio show when I took a call from a young libertarian. He didn’t believe he should have to pay taxes. Any taxes. When I asked if he drove on local roads he at first appeared confused. I pressed and he admitted he did use local roads. I suggested he stop because if he wasn’t paying his share I didn’t want him freeloading on my dime.
So, why not have a subscription service. If you don’t want to pay for fire protection and paramedics, you can opt out. It would allow the District to serve the payees and everyone else is on their own.
Does that work?