Bonner County Calls for Halt to Resettlement of Refugees
SANDPOINT, Idaho (AP) — Bonner County commissioners are calling for the resettlement of refugees from Iraq and Syria to stop.
The Bonner County Daily Bee reports that commissioners unanimously adopted a resolution Monday echoing Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter's call for the immediate halt of resettling new refugees until vetting rules can be reviewed.
The resolution says that approximately 4 million Syrian nationals have fled the country since 2011 and that there is a concern that members of terrorist organizations could infiltrate the country by posing as a refugee.
The resolution was met with support from the crowd, with many in attendance saying they worry resettlement is at worst an attempt to overpopulate America with Muslims so Sharia law can be implemented, and at best a well-intentioned program that will import terrorists.