Caught on Video: Idaho Fish and Game Feeding Elk at Tex Creek WMA
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) Idaho wildlife managers are in the middle of the largest feeding operation in eastern Idaho to protect private property and elk herds this winter.
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game released video of a massive feeding operation taking place on the Tex Creek Wildlife Management Area east of Idaho Falls. Last year a wildfire burned 22,000 acres of forage deer and elk rely on during the winter. Fish and Game has distributed 1,500 tons of feed that is estimated to cost $350,000.
The emergency feeding operation is helping feed more than 4,000 elk since early December. The feeding is also keeping elk off private property to limit damage to farms and ranches. Managers say they are also concerned for wintering deer in the area. Fish and Game biologist say deer do not take to feeding as well as elk do. There are road closures in and around the feeding operation so the public will not disturb the elk.
Check this video out
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