Gas in Idaho Will Hit 6 Bucks a Gallon Before it Comes Down
A studio guest arrived at my studio after driving from Cassia County to Twin Falls. She noticed a price at one gas station of $5.69.9 per gallon for the regular grade. The picture above is from Kimberly Road on Monday afternoon. The previous day I had managed to fill up at a pump a few blocks away for 32 cents less per gallon but had to use up my shopping points to simply keep the price below $5.00 a gallon.
Drivers are Cutting Back
A friend has been driving from Murtaugh to Hagerman five days a week for work. He says he’s seeing far less traffic than just a few weeks ago. People can no longer afford unnecessary trips. Another friend explained last week that he and his wife have canceled their once-a-week date night for dinner at a restaurant.
This summer I was planning a vacation to Cody, Wyoming, and then on to Mt. Rushmore. Now I’ll be spending my vacation on the deck or watching what little TV I have before I cut back on my subscriptions.
The Country Will be Changed
Do you see where all of this is going? You can’t call it a happy ending. A finance writer claims it’s only going to get worse in the foreseeable future. Those among you who call yourselves Democrats can make a variety of excuses and point fingers in other directions. Come next year, your party will begin wandering the electoral desert for a generation. Green energy and the dubious climate change arguments that enriched the connected are finished.

READ ON: See the States Where People Live the Longest
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