Idaho is Armed to the Teeth and Ready to Protect Your Rights
For the initiative, we have a gun show. It airs Friday morning on Newsradio 96.1 and 1310 KILX. You can also hear it stream online at southernidahonews.com. The hosts stress training and responsible use. That includes keeping your firearms secure and generally out of sight. They also realize the gun-grabbers in our culture would like to disarm you. Because controlling an unarmed public is much easier than a public armed to the teeth. Estimates are that there are 400 million firearms in public hands in our country. That dwarfs the number of basic arms held by law enforcement and the military.
One tactic from the left is to claim that tales of good guys with guns are greatly exaggerated. Journalist John Stossel says otherwise and backs it up with facts. You can watch his argument by clicking here. The video is also posted below.
A guest on my program earlier this week said America doesn’t need another civil war. There are no guarantees the country could ever recover from the bloodshed.
A heavily armed populace may be what’s keeping us from descending into chaos. Because most guns are in the hands of one side of the political divide. It makes the left collectively wet themselves.
Without the bulwark in place, the other side would run roughshod over your liberties. Take the greenies for example. As one of them points out here, they need to control the masses to save the planet. Here’s a question, when has totalitarianism advanced humanity? Most of the advances we enjoy in modern life were delivered by English-speaking peoples of the world. Where traditions of personal liberty had their beginnings, we’re now seeing an effort by the elites to reverse progress.
Keep your powder dry.

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