Idaho Pastors Demand Action For Pro-Life Cause
I’m sure a majority of Idahoans are pro-life. I’m sure a majority of Christian pastors and LDS bishops are pro-life. Even your local Imam would be pro-life.
Consider many Republican politicians call themselves pro-life. They tell constituents they’ll support the unborn. Then they do nothing.
They tell constituents they’ll support the unborn. Then they do nothing.
Sound familiar? Some states with GOP majorities in state legislatures are looking to pass laws actually banning abortion. These laws could eventually challenge Roe v. Wade. Overturning the 1973 decision would allow states to make their own choices about life.
Over the last four years, I’ve seen two laws proposed in Idaho with the goal to call abortion what most people here actually believe it to be: Homicide! The first law got shoved aside. I’m expecting the same with the current proposal, although.
Some pastors are planning to apply some pressure. They believe it’s time politicians started keeping promises. Click here to hear the pastors' thoughts on the matter. You can also see their statement on the issue here.
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