Idaho “Ultrasound” Bill Dead For The Session
State represen
tatives say they won't pursue Idaho' s controversial ultrasound-abortion bill that has been making national headlines recently. At least this year. The bill would require doctors to administer an ultrasound to the fetus of any woman who chooses an abortion in Idaho. Supporters of the bill had hoped to offer the ultrasound as a cost-free health option for all women who elected an abortion. However, opponents say that under the bill, some women would also be forced to undergo an invasive "trans-vaginal" ultrasound in certain situations. Representative Tom *Loertscher, who chairs Idaho's House State Affairs Committee, confirmed Tuesday that the controversial bill would not be making any further progress in 2012. In a statement Loertscher wrote that "After talking with the sponsors of the bill, it was agreed to not proceed any further this year."