Illegal Dumping Costing Fish and Game Money
Idaho wildlife managers say there has been an increase in illegal dumping at access sites all across the state that is costing the state agency money to clean up.
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game said in just the past 10 months there have been more than a dozen cases of illegal dumping. The agency says they've found mounds of trash at various sites where people have dumped construction supplies, pallets, furniture, dead animals, tires and other items.
In some areas, people have dumped trash repeatedly.
“Every region deals with it to some degree, but we see it the most in the Southwest Region,” said John Cassinelli, regional fisheries manager in a prepared statement. “Most of our problems are on the Snake River access sites, and we’ve had some repeat offenders.” Officials say cleaning up the sites is costing Fish and Game money that could be spent on other needs.
Some places that have seen abuse were blocked off with large boulders to deter people from dumping, but it has also limited the access for sportsmen. Fish and Game is asking people to report illegal dumping when they see it, call in the license plates and description of the vehicle involved. Littering in Idaho is a misdemeanor that could put someone behind bars for six months, a $1,000 fine, and eight to 40 hours of litter cleanup.

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