Janice McGeachin Frustrates Communists in Idaho Schools and Media
Lesson one, mainstream media despises Janice McGeachin. Because, unlike most news reporters and editors, she’s not a flaming communist!!! News people generally don’t like any Republicans but they like Governor Brad Little. Because when COVID-19 first arrived in Idaho, newsrooms shouted, “Do something!” He then snatched your liberties, ruined your business and played schoolmarm as he berated the peasantry for not following his orders.
The media are desperate to thwart her ambitions. The devil has a foot in the door in Idaho news media, government and schools and she’s a threat to slam it on his toes.
McGeachin didn’t play the role of dutiful political housewife and make his dinner.
Instead, she denounced lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates and she created a task force to ferret out critical race theory in Idaho schools. The schools the tax dollars of mostly patriotic hardworking conservatives fund. Liberals of all stripes believe your money is theirs. For that matter, so do many Republicans in government. The media demanded records from the task force and then filed suit. A judge has now ruled in favor of the wretches and fined McGeachin a whopping $750. The amount would be a burden for reporters earning $23,500 a year but for McGeachin not so much.
You may argue on principle the Lt. Governor should have been more forthcoming, however. The records involve many comments from Idahoans who oppose the communist movement. She points out, quite rightly I believe, the leftists and their editors want to publish the names of people backing her work. Then they can be held up to ridicule for their traditional beliefs. They can be harassed by the angry left and perhaps be hounded out of their jobs. Much like how the woke mob and the Alinskyites function.
It’s a short drive from the day they’ll hit you with bear spray, the preferred method of their fellow gang members in Portland, Oregon.
As most of you know, McGeachin wants Little’s job. The media are desperate to thwart her ambitions. The devil has a foot in the door in Idaho news media, government and schools and she’s a threat to slam it on his toes.
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