Law Enforcement Keep Busy Responding to Crashes, Slide-offs Due to Icy Roads
TWIN FALLS, Idaho (KLIX) – Icy road conditions caused a number of crashes and slide-offs in south-central Idaho Wednesday night and Thursday morning.
The incidences have been widespread, according to local law enforcement, with some still occurring Thursday afternoon.
The Twin Falls County Sheriff’s Office sent local media a list of crashes and slide-offs in the county since Wednesday night. Several crashes were reported on U.S. highways 30 and 93 and Addison Avenue West, and slide-offs occurred on Balanced Rock Road near Castleford, 4100 North and 4300 North. Slide-offs also have occurred on Highway 30, including a Glanbia semi-trailer that turned on its side.
The sheriff’s office started receiving calls about 8:20 p.m. Wednesday and kept busy through a little before 8 a.m. Thursday morning.
An Idaho State Police dispatcher said ISP officers were keeping busy Thursday afternoon, being called to continued slide-offs across the valley.
“It’s widespread,” the dispatcher said.